We just went to our two week appointment and Cooper is a little Chunky Monkey! He is now 8 lbs. 3 oz. That means he gained 1 lb. and 6 oz. from his lowest weight when he left the hospital. Let's just say Cooper likes to eat. I have given breastfeeding my best effort but I have now decided to start weaning him to formula. He is just ravenous and I am up every two hours at night. I love breastfeeding but I am having lots of pain as well. I have been to the lactation consultant and she says he is doing everything right. The pain has changed and just isn't fun anymore. So, we will see how it all goes the next week or so. We have had a busy two weeks. It seems like we aren't even home very much. We are busy taking Hunter to the park or the zoo. We have lots of errands to run since Hunter's birthday is coming up soon. Cooper does well running errands and usually sleeps in his car seat the whole time...unless he's hungry, then WATCH OUT! That's usually the only time he cries and he gets PISSED! It's quite cute really. We have had lots of visitors and everyone things Cooper is very cute. Drew and I both agree that he has Drew's face shape but he looks more like me...but everyone has their opinion. We shall find out soon enough. Hunter is still in love with his brother. We haven't had as many problems, but are still learning not to be in his face all the time and that when he's sleeping you leave him alone. Anyhow, I thought I would leave you with some pics from the last two weeks. I know that's really all you care about anyway. Enjoy and we will update you soon on more of our life as we see it.