Oh my it's been a long time since I have last posted. Cooper is now mobile which makes my life harder and busier, so sorry about that. Let's see...Coop is now 10 months old, crawling, pulling up, ready to kill himself at any moment:) This is such a dangerous age. We had our first choking incident (a penny) and hope to never have one again! We have had lots of face plants, bumps, bruises and crying the last couple of weeks. AND when Cooper cries Hunter starts crying because he doesn't want to see his brother hurt and as he told me today...Cooper crying reminds him of when he was a baby and he remembers crying so he is crying because he was crying then...does that make sense???? Geez!!!!!!!! It is officially summer in our house, school is out (NOOOOOOOOO!) and we are very busy but not busy enough to keep an almost 6 year old entertained and poor Coop is just along for the ride...
Hope to keep posting more for everyone. Enjoy some pics!