Cooper has given us quite the pregnancy. He has made us reach the decision that two children is a nice round number, and three might be a crowd. I have developed thyroid problems, whether or not it's related to my pregnancy is unknown, because they discovered it while I was pregnant. I see a specialist for this and get monthly sonograms to check on his growth and development. So far he is right on schedule and looking good. So, we were dealing with this stress, when he decided he wasn't shaking things up enough, and decided to be breech with a prolapsed cord at his ultrasound about two weeks ago. Now, I didn't really understand what a prolapsed cord was, but when the doctor says, if you have any signs of contractions, you get to the hospital immediately, that's a little unnerving! So, of course he decided to shake things up a little more and didn't move the following Sunday morning for over two hours. I called the doctor and she told me to come to the hospital to get the baby on a heartrate monitor just to be sure. Well, we pull in to the hospital and he starts kicking. Get the monitor put on, and he starts having a party. We had a wonderful nurse and she said he was flirting with her and to come back anytime. So, we had a calm week, until my last appointment on Wednesday. He wasn't moving again as much as normal, although it was early for us. Hunter and I have agreed to the 8:30 waking up summer schedule. We both know this is our last few weeks of quiet in the house, so it works! Anyway, they went to find his heartbeat and they could barely get anything. It was super staticy. Hunter and I think he has a little radio in there and he was jamming. Anyway, so to make a long story shorter, they did a nonstress test by doing a short sono and everything was fine AND he moved his little bottom (head actually) into the down position and his cord looks like it's in a good place. TALK ABOUT RELIEF!!! I will go in for my next sonogram on the 25th and will give you an update and hopefully some good pics. So, we have crossed a hurdle and only have 18 more years of them ahead of us.
1 comment:
Okay so this blog thing is great because I get all the information, BUT we still need to talk more! I feel like I have no time to my self chasing a 1 year old allday so really ... when you have time CALL ME! Miss you!
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