We would like to welcome our son, Cooper Warren Matthews to the world! He was born July 28th at 1:08 pm. I must tell you that his labor was amazing! I guess we deserve it after everything, but I would have never have guessed in a million years I would be so lucky. We arrived at the hospital at 6:00 am for our scheduled induction. We were in our room by 6:15 and they had to get vitals, start me on the monitor, etc. They started the petocin and antibiotics at around 8:00 I would say. I was just having really bad heartburn for awhile and asked for something when the resident doctor came in. So they ordered that. I would say about 8:30 I started throwing up everywhere (the worst part of the ordeal). I think it was the antibiotics making me sick and my heartburn making it worse. So finally they decided to give me some medicine to calm my stomach down. I then started having the worst contractions ever. That petocin is such a devil drug. I asked for an epidural about 10:30. My nurse checked me and I was only a 3. I thought great, we will be here all day~ Then the guy came to start my epidural. With Hunter I didn't feel a thing, well not that lucky this time, but I just blew threw it all and knew there would be relief at the end. So, the drugs kicked in and I was doing good. Then the TREMBLING started. Really bad the whole time. She thought I was progressing because trembling is a sign of my body being in a progressive labor. So she checked me at 11:30 and told me I was a 6. WOW! Great, maybe we will be done by the early afternoon I thought. After really trembling for another hour she checked me at 12:30 and told me I was 9 3/4. WHAT??? That's exactly what I said. She said yeah you are ready. She called Dr. Kindel and ran around like a crazy woman getting stuff set up. Then I told her I really felt pressure at 12:50. She said not only was I a full 10 but I had gone from a -1 station to a +1 station and his head was right there. Dr. Kindel came, threw on her scrubs and I started pushing at 1:04. I had three contractions, pushed three times with each, and out he popped at 1:08. In case that is not clear, that was FOUR minutes of pushing!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! When he came out he was gray and had the cord snugly around his neck. Dr. Kindel cut it right away, apologizing to Drew for taking his job. They sent him with the nurses and they were giving him oxygen and working on him. He started pinking up so I wasn't too worried but he still wasn't crying. They said he was very "wet". Which meant he had fluid in his lungs. They were working like crazy women to get him to cry and finally he did. He only took about 10 minutes to look much better and get off the oxygen. He is a wonderfully tempered baby. He only cried when he is hungry or is cold. His big brother Hunter is in love with him and wants him up all the time:) We are working on getting Hunter under management, as he is needing an adjustment period with all this. Cooper is easy, it's the five year old we are dealing with! We hope this transition happens quickly. We are hearing a lot of "That's Not Fair!" and "It's Time for Cooper to Wake Up, He's Been Sleeping for Like an Hour", and the worst is his WHINING!!! We knew it would be a hard transition for a little boy that has been spoiled for almost 5 years to now share the spotlight. However, we love our boys and know that it will only get better. Hunter is truly in love with his brother, he's just not in love with us right now! We will continue to update and post pics as we have time and the energy! Thanks to everyone for the well wishes and phone calls. If I haven't gotten back with you, I will try very soon.