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Wednesday, December 17, 2008
Monday, December 15, 2008
There is nothing like the sound of laughter from your children and when you hear that know the one...the one that is straight from their belly, your heart sings and the smile on your face stretches from ear to ear. Well, here is that laughter from Cooper, caught on video...
Tuesday, December 2, 2008
Mashed Potatoes and Tigers Oh My!
We hope everyone had a wonderful Thanksgiving with the people they love! We had three, yes three, Thanksgivings and enjoyed each one. Hunter decided he liked the Turkey better than the bologna (ham) and Cooper enjoyed his first holiday with his extended family...he even let some people hold him! I think he's just smart and trying to get more Christmas presents!!! We had a great time with daddy as he was home with us for 5 1/2 days. Cooper became a daddies boy instead of the sweet mommas boy I had him as...Daddy started wrestling with him and getting feisty and all of a sudden he is a screaming, ornery boy!!! I now confirm where Hunter gets it from. I have included two videos with this post as I have too many cute ones to decide from...stay tuned for more!
Sunday, November 23, 2008
Momma's Been Busy
I am incredibly behind on these posts. I am officially blaming it on the kids!! We had a great October. Cooper didn't really dig his first Halloween, but maybe next year. So, we are now in November and have officially started the Christmas season. Drew spent the afternoon putting up the tree to satisfy Hunter. We will get some pics up with the boys as soon as it has ornaments on it. We are looking forward to Thanksgiving with our families and hopefully Cooper enjoys all the attention he is bound to get, as he is just now going to people other than mommy, daddy and Grandma Terri. I am going to leave you with a cute little video of Drew and Cooper (and of course Hunter gets in there too...he always does!) Drew is such a good daddy and this video captures that! I will be posting more video on here, so keep checking back.
The picture isn't of the video. It messed up and I can't fix it...but the real video I want you to see starts a second later... so enjoy!
The picture isn't of the video. It messed up and I can't fix it...but the real video I want you to see starts a second later... so enjoy!
Tuesday, November 4, 2008
A Conversation With the Curious
We have lift-off...well videos at least. I think I have managed the technical side of downloading videos from my camcorder to the computer and then on to here. But... I was doing this as history was being made for your country, so I didn't get it all finished. So...I am going to first post a conversation with whom could be president one day son! He is really too smart and asks questions even I don't know how to enjoy and I will get more up soon.
Sunday, November 2, 2008
Friday, October 3, 2008
Hunter Lane...5 going on 16
Our Sweet Little Boy turned 5 on August 28, 2008. That's right, my baby is not a baby anymore. He has reached a milestone birthday and made his parents realize that they too are getting older as well.

The last exciting event in September for Hunter was a trip to the ER. I was shopping with my mom and got a call from Drew saying," He's done it this time. He's really hurt himself now." So, I drove a little faster and managed to get home in a few minutes. Hunter was playing in the house while Drew was in the garage for a minute. He comes in the garage crying and screaming saying his neck went POP! I get home and he is still crying. I am the kind of person that goes to the doctor for everything (well, maybe except now, since I am just now experiencing the world of co-pays since we only have one insurance) so my baby possibly doing something to his neck and him crying nonstop over it, made me scoop him up, and take him the ER. We went to the Wesley one, but after an hour of waiting and nothing happening we packed everyone up again and went to Galichia. Now...Hunter was screaming and crying this whole time. Poor Baby!!! It hurt so bad he couldn't even lean back in my arms for comfort. They thought maybe he did something to his shoulder but after further investigation and the IB Profen finally kicking in that daddy gave him right after he hurt himself, he was diagnosed with a strained neck and sent home to rest and heal...YEAH RIGHT! I took him to Cooper's chiropractor the next day and he popped it into place. He called it something or another and the popping back in place freaked Hunter out. It was a delayed response but when we got in the car he cried and said the man hurt it. He stopped crying after a minute or two. Anyway, I don't think I'll ever get him to go to the chiropractor again! The chiropractor just laughed and said well, if he ever wants to come back you know he's really hurt!!!
Hunter has had many changes the past couple of months...the biggest being his new brother, but others as well. He started going to preschool three times a week for a couple of hours in the afternoon. He enjoys it. AND after a talking to about why we don't talk to girls at circle time and have to sit out, it's been pretty smooth sailing. (He's always been a flirter, unfortunately he's gotten this from his mother. )
Our family always goes to the State Fair and we knew this year wouldn't be any different just because we had a four week old at home, or was he three weeks, anyway, that's just relative really...anyway so we go the first Saturday of the Fair...CAN WE SAY RAIN!!! We left and it was starting to sprinkle but when we looked at the radar it was clear for miles and miles, however, after we got there, all it did was rain, let up, rain, let was miserable! So, after we rode some rides, got the Pronto Pup we have been craving since the last fair and looked around for awhile we headed home. Here is a picture of Hunter doing the trampoline. He couldn't figure out how to flip over but he had fun trying.
The last exciting event in September for Hunter was a trip to the ER. I was shopping with my mom and got a call from Drew saying," He's done it this time. He's really hurt himself now." So, I drove a little faster and managed to get home in a few minutes. Hunter was playing in the house while Drew was in the garage for a minute. He comes in the garage crying and screaming saying his neck went POP! I get home and he is still crying. I am the kind of person that goes to the doctor for everything (well, maybe except now, since I am just now experiencing the world of co-pays since we only have one insurance) so my baby possibly doing something to his neck and him crying nonstop over it, made me scoop him up, and take him the ER. We went to the Wesley one, but after an hour of waiting and nothing happening we packed everyone up again and went to Galichia. Now...Hunter was screaming and crying this whole time. Poor Baby!!! It hurt so bad he couldn't even lean back in my arms for comfort. They thought maybe he did something to his shoulder but after further investigation and the IB Profen finally kicking in that daddy gave him right after he hurt himself, he was diagnosed with a strained neck and sent home to rest and heal...YEAH RIGHT! I took him to Cooper's chiropractor the next day and he popped it into place. He called it something or another and the popping back in place freaked Hunter out. It was a delayed response but when we got in the car he cried and said the man hurt it. He stopped crying after a minute or two. Anyway, I don't think I'll ever get him to go to the chiropractor again! The chiropractor just laughed and said well, if he ever wants to come back you know he's really hurt!!!
So that was basically our September...stay tuned for October. With Halloween coming, and us having to go to EVERY Halloween store at least two times already to look at the light up, scary, Halloween stuff...there has to be a story or two to share!
Thursday, September 25, 2008
GGGRRRRrrrrr...none of my babies look like me!

Mommy dressing me up...Hunter tells me she does this when she is sad about not having any girls:) Lucky us!

I love to smile at my is the funniest thing.

This is the famous mobile that I laugh at. The bears are named Loafy, Jelly, Blueberry and Honey.
Well, Cooper is officially two months old now. We took him to the doctor on Monday for his checkup and shots. He now weighs 11lbs. 12 oz. and is 22 1/2 inches long. The doctor was very impressed with his weight. The doctor also said he looked more like his dad...GGGGGRRRRrrrrrr... All the work for no glory...well except a beautiful,healthy baby!! You know what I mean. Cooper is in the 50th % percentile for his weight and his length, so he is normal but sure seems big to everyone. The doctor was also impressed with his sleep schedule at this time. After a few other questions, it was time..duh, duh, duh (those were sounds like something bad was coming) for those nasty shots. Poor baby had to get stuck 4 times but then he got a yummy, sugary Rotovirus immunization that they give orally. He got Tylenol for about 24 hours, was a little fussy that night, but seemed to wake up happy and back to normal. Other than that, we haven't really been up to much. Cooper is now taking two bottles of breastmilk a day, to get him use to it. For the most part he is okay, but sometimes he can give up a fight in the evening. However, I need a little more independence and he needs to start getting consistent amounts of formula, as I never know how much he is eating. Anyway, we have included pictures and a video clip from today to show how he is growing and changing. He is becoming MUCH more alert, finally looking at me when I talk to him, cooing, smiling, and even beginning to laugh a little. He is very strong with his head and body and we are pretty sure he will be crawling by about 5 months old. Our next post will be an update on Hunter...he is growing and changing too and he deserves a litle attention on this blog as well.
Tuesday, September 16, 2008
Cold Mornings, Warm Smiles
Wow! It has been quite a few weeks since our last post. I will start by giving you pictures right away. Maybe that will make up for it!

Our First Grin! He smiled officially on Sept. 2nd.

Cooper likes talking to his big brother.

We got a visit from our good friends Heather, Rob and Braeden from Kansas City. We were taking their first pictures together. I am sure there will be more!
This month has been filled with lots of stress, happiness, questions, and wonderful moments. Hunter turned 5 on August 28th. I can't believe he is that old already. Cooper is also a big boy. We took him to the doctor last week and he was almost 11 pounds. We think it's just more to love. I've always wanted a chubby baby...looks as if I may have gotten my wish. Although, his car seat is almost impossible to carry already. The car seat weighs about 15 pounds, add his 11 and I am carrying around 16 pounds on my forearm all the time. Cooper loves his swing and his bear mobile. I have included a video of him smiling and cooing at it in the morning. This is his happiest time and he is just scrumptious. He is becoming a great sleeper (knock on wood). I usually put him down by 10 and he will sleep about 5 hours, wake up, eat, go back to sleep within 15 minutes and then I make him sleep until 8 before I feed him again. I have also been letting him cry to sleep in the evening for the last two nights. The first night he cried for 10 minutes, rested, cried for a few more minutes several times and then went to sleep. Last night he cried for 6 minutes, rested and whimpered for a few minutes and off to sleep. Amazingly we could never do this with Hunter, which Hunter would keep going and going and going, but we would fall for his sweet cried everytime. This time, no such luck for Coop. Plus I keep Drew in the bedroom and he is usually asleep. He is the one that wants to go get him and rock him...I keep reminding him, that it is not him waking up!!! Hunter continues to be a great helper and big brother. He has started school on Monday, Wednesday and Friday afternoons. This is a nice chance to come home and get stuff done around the house or go get groceries and run errands without both of them. Cooper will be turning 2 months old next week and it is hard to imagine this much time has flown by. I will try to get another post up after his two months checkup...can you say SHOTS! Check out the video and pictures. Hope this keeps everyone satisfied until next time.
Sorry about the direction this video is shot. I was doing it on my camera and it was making sense to me, but didn't come off that way in the end. I guess it's better than nothing. I will try to do better next time.

Our First Grin! He smiled officially on Sept. 2nd.

Cooper likes talking to his big brother.

We got a visit from our good friends Heather, Rob and Braeden from Kansas City. We were taking their first pictures together. I am sure there will be more!
This month has been filled with lots of stress, happiness, questions, and wonderful moments. Hunter turned 5 on August 28th. I can't believe he is that old already. Cooper is also a big boy. We took him to the doctor last week and he was almost 11 pounds. We think it's just more to love. I've always wanted a chubby baby...looks as if I may have gotten my wish. Although, his car seat is almost impossible to carry already. The car seat weighs about 15 pounds, add his 11 and I am carrying around 16 pounds on my forearm all the time. Cooper loves his swing and his bear mobile. I have included a video of him smiling and cooing at it in the morning. This is his happiest time and he is just scrumptious. He is becoming a great sleeper (knock on wood). I usually put him down by 10 and he will sleep about 5 hours, wake up, eat, go back to sleep within 15 minutes and then I make him sleep until 8 before I feed him again. I have also been letting him cry to sleep in the evening for the last two nights. The first night he cried for 10 minutes, rested, cried for a few more minutes several times and then went to sleep. Last night he cried for 6 minutes, rested and whimpered for a few minutes and off to sleep. Amazingly we could never do this with Hunter, which Hunter would keep going and going and going, but we would fall for his sweet cried everytime. This time, no such luck for Coop. Plus I keep Drew in the bedroom and he is usually asleep. He is the one that wants to go get him and rock him...I keep reminding him, that it is not him waking up!!! Hunter continues to be a great helper and big brother. He has started school on Monday, Wednesday and Friday afternoons. This is a nice chance to come home and get stuff done around the house or go get groceries and run errands without both of them. Cooper will be turning 2 months old next week and it is hard to imagine this much time has flown by. I will try to get another post up after his two months checkup...can you say SHOTS! Check out the video and pictures. Hope this keeps everyone satisfied until next time.
Sorry about the direction this video is shot. I was doing it on my camera and it was making sense to me, but didn't come off that way in the end. I guess it's better than nothing. I will try to do better next time.
Friday, September 12, 2008
Rain Rain Go Away
Okay, so just wanted to say sorry to everyone for no new posts in about a month. I will work on it this weekend, add lots of pics to make up for it, and send it out!
Wednesday, August 13, 2008
Two Week Update
Sorry it has been two weeks since our last blog, but mommy is very tired!!!
We just went to our two week appointment and Cooper is a little Chunky Monkey! He is now 8 lbs. 3 oz. That means he gained 1 lb. and 6 oz. from his lowest weight when he left the hospital. Let's just say Cooper likes to eat. I have given breastfeeding my best effort but I have now decided to start weaning him to formula. He is just ravenous and I am up every two hours at night. I love breastfeeding but I am having lots of pain as well. I have been to the lactation consultant and she says he is doing everything right. The pain has changed and just isn't fun anymore. So, we will see how it all goes the next week or so. We have had a busy two weeks. It seems like we aren't even home very much. We are busy taking Hunter to the park or the zoo. We have lots of errands to run since Hunter's birthday is coming up soon. Cooper does well running errands and usually sleeps in his car seat the whole time...unless he's hungry, then WATCH OUT! That's usually the only time he cries and he gets PISSED! It's quite cute really. We have had lots of visitors and everyone things Cooper is very cute. Drew and I both agree that he has Drew's face shape but he looks more like me...but everyone has their opinion. We shall find out soon enough. Hunter is still in love with his brother. We haven't had as many problems, but are still learning not to be in his face all the time and that when he's sleeping you leave him alone. Anyhow, I thought I would leave you with some pics from the last two weeks. I know that's really all you care about anyway. Enjoy and we will update you soon on more of our life as we see it.

We just went to our two week appointment and Cooper is a little Chunky Monkey! He is now 8 lbs. 3 oz. That means he gained 1 lb. and 6 oz. from his lowest weight when he left the hospital. Let's just say Cooper likes to eat. I have given breastfeeding my best effort but I have now decided to start weaning him to formula. He is just ravenous and I am up every two hours at night. I love breastfeeding but I am having lots of pain as well. I have been to the lactation consultant and she says he is doing everything right. The pain has changed and just isn't fun anymore. So, we will see how it all goes the next week or so. We have had a busy two weeks. It seems like we aren't even home very much. We are busy taking Hunter to the park or the zoo. We have lots of errands to run since Hunter's birthday is coming up soon. Cooper does well running errands and usually sleeps in his car seat the whole time...unless he's hungry, then WATCH OUT! That's usually the only time he cries and he gets PISSED! It's quite cute really. We have had lots of visitors and everyone things Cooper is very cute. Drew and I both agree that he has Drew's face shape but he looks more like me...but everyone has their opinion. We shall find out soon enough. Hunter is still in love with his brother. We haven't had as many problems, but are still learning not to be in his face all the time and that when he's sleeping you leave him alone. Anyhow, I thought I would leave you with some pics from the last two weeks. I know that's really all you care about anyway. Enjoy and we will update you soon on more of our life as we see it.

Thursday, July 31, 2008
Welcome To the World

We would like to welcome our son, Cooper Warren Matthews to the world! He was born July 28th at 1:08 pm. I must tell you that his labor was amazing! I guess we deserve it after everything, but I would have never have guessed in a million years I would be so lucky. We arrived at the hospital at 6:00 am for our scheduled induction. We were in our room by 6:15 and they had to get vitals, start me on the monitor, etc. They started the petocin and antibiotics at around 8:00 I would say. I was just having really bad heartburn for awhile and asked for something when the resident doctor came in. So they ordered that. I would say about 8:30 I started throwing up everywhere (the worst part of the ordeal). I think it was the antibiotics making me sick and my heartburn making it worse. So finally they decided to give me some medicine to calm my stomach down. I then started having the worst contractions ever. That petocin is such a devil drug. I asked for an epidural about 10:30. My nurse checked me and I was only a 3. I thought great, we will be here all day~ Then the guy came to start my epidural. With Hunter I didn't feel a thing, well not that lucky this time, but I just blew threw it all and knew there would be relief at the end. So, the drugs kicked in and I was doing good. Then the TREMBLING started. Really bad the whole time. She thought I was progressing because trembling is a sign of my body being in a progressive labor. So she checked me at 11:30 and told me I was a 6. WOW! Great, maybe we will be done by the early afternoon I thought. After really trembling for another hour she checked me at 12:30 and told me I was 9 3/4. WHAT??? That's exactly what I said. She said yeah you are ready. She called Dr. Kindel and ran around like a crazy woman getting stuff set up. Then I told her I really felt pressure at 12:50. She said not only was I a full 10 but I had gone from a -1 station to a +1 station and his head was right there. Dr. Kindel came, threw on her scrubs and I started pushing at 1:04. I had three contractions, pushed three times with each, and out he popped at 1:08. In case that is not clear, that was FOUR minutes of pushing!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! When he came out he was gray and had the cord snugly around his neck. Dr. Kindel cut it right away, apologizing to Drew for taking his job. They sent him with the nurses and they were giving him oxygen and working on him. He started pinking up so I wasn't too worried but he still wasn't crying. They said he was very "wet". Which meant he had fluid in his lungs. They were working like crazy women to get him to cry and finally he did. He only took about 10 minutes to look much better and get off the oxygen. He is a wonderfully tempered baby. He only cried when he is hungry or is cold. His big brother Hunter is in love with him and wants him up all the time:) We are working on getting Hunter under management, as he is needing an adjustment period with all this. Cooper is easy, it's the five year old we are dealing with! We hope this transition happens quickly. We are hearing a lot of "That's Not Fair!" and "It's Time for Cooper to Wake Up, He's Been Sleeping for Like an Hour", and the worst is his WHINING!!! We knew it would be a hard transition for a little boy that has been spoiled for almost 5 years to now share the spotlight. However, we love our boys and know that it will only get better. Hunter is truly in love with his brother, he's just not in love with us right now! We will continue to update and post pics as we have time and the energy! Thanks to everyone for the well wishes and phone calls. If I haven't gotten back with you, I will try very soon.

Thursday, July 24, 2008
Fast but Slow
Today I think I had my shortest appointment. Really, what are they going to say and do when you go into the hospital in three days anyway! I got checked. I am still a 1 but 70% effaced now and she said my cervix is very soft. So at least I have changed a little. I figured I would still be at a 1, but I was secretly hoping for more!!! Then we talked about what will happen when we go in to be induced on Monday at 6:00 am. She said I'll get admitted, they will monitor the baby for awhile and get a good script on him then they will start the lovely yet evil drug, Petocin. She said she will be by fairly early to break my water. She said at least you will know that by Monday night you won't be pregnant. Let's hope not! She thinks I should start contracting good and dialating in a timely manner and it shouldn't be an all day event. She said I can have my epidural at anytime! THANK GOD! I was thinking that maybe I would try to make it to a 5, but I am a baby, so I will keep telling myself that. Drew, Hunter and I went out for dinner tonight and enjoyed our little family of 3 one more time. We then walked the mall and Kohls for awhile. Got Hunter new shoes and Drew shoes. I need shoes but I can't try them on or tie them, so I am going to wait until next month. Drew has to tie my shoes now, so I am always in flip flops. Anyway, I got home and went to the restroom and I am starting to loose some of my mucus plug...hopefully my doctor loosened some things up in there, so that could help things move along too. My doctor is not on call this weekend though, so we are hoping for tonight/tomorrow or wait until Monday. Really though, we can't wait to meet Cooper, so we will take him whenever he comes. So, this is the last post prebaby. The next post will be our postbaby experience. YEAH!! Keep up the prayers and thank you for everything during this pregnancy. You will soon meet Mr. Cooper!
Tuesday, July 22, 2008
Okay, I really feel like I am talking to myself when I write these blogs. I know people are reading them as I have a counter, but there are never any comments....COME ON PEOPLE!! Give me something to read too! So, if you haven't tried to comment, try it...I am in need of entertainment! You can always do anonymous and then leave your name at the end.
Friday, July 18, 2008
So Different
It is truly amazing how different two pregnancies can be. Hunter's was smooth sailing. From what I remember I had contractions the night before and then the next morning I knew it was time to go to the hospital. Not the case with Mr. Cooper. If you have read any of my posts you know this pregnancy is anything but smooth sailing! So, I have had contractions for at least a week. Today I had back contractions starting at about 4:30 and they were about 2 1/2 to 10 minutes apart. I thought...oh my, this could be it! Before tonight they had puttered out after 2 hours. Tonight Drew and I went to eat...they continued...we went to the mall to walk...they continued...came home and laid down...they continued...So we are now at almost 10:00 and then...they puttered out!!! UUUUGGGGHHHH!!!! I know Mr. C will come when it is time, but I can't even tell you how bad I want him to be here, in my arms, looking at me and me looking at him. This has been an extremely hard 38 weeks emotionally and physically and I am ready for it to come to a wonderful end. I want to know he's okay. I want to thank God for my blessings. I want Hunter to have his brother and my husband to have his son. I want to give all my love to another child. AND I AM READY TO DO IT NOW!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
Wednesday, July 16, 2008
12 Days to Go
Well I went in for my weekly appointment this morning. My doctor was gone on vacation so I saw a nurse for most of the time. I am healthy and Cooper had a heart rate of 141. I gained a pound, so I am up to 12 lbs. Then I told the nurse about how I have been having more consistent contractions and she said she would like one of the other doctors to check me because I have probably progressed since last week...I was hoping for some progress!!! Well anyway, I met a very nice doctor that will be on call this weekend (fingers crossed) and he checked and said I was a good 1 and 50% effaced. UUUGGGHHHH!!! That means I have changed from a weak 1 to a good 1...whatever! However, at least I am something and I am still having contractions so hopefully Cooper will decide to come next week. We still have the induction date for July 28th but we are hoping to not have to worry about that. So please pray for more dialation and a healthy labor and delivery NEXT week...preferably on Wednesday night if you want to be as specific as we are being. We are testing Cooper out to see how well he minds his parents. I am reading a book called Baby Wise right now. My two friends have their babies on this system and have seen amazing results with hit. A whopping 75% of babies are sleeping all night by weeks 7 and 8 and 95% are sleeping throught the night by week 12. It's not really that arm pulling either. I am praying it will work for us. Hunter didn't sleep all night until he was 3 and Drew and I know we were the problems...and now we are old and we're willing to work a little harder in the beginning to see the results in the end. Anyway, I'm ranting a little. I will update you with any news that is important, otherwise my next weekly appt. is on July 24th. But if you remember, we are telling Cooper to come on Wed. night so hopefully that is an appointment that I don't make it too!!!!!!!
Wednesday, July 9, 2008
36 Week Appointment
Wow! I think I actually went through my first appointment without having something to worry about as I walked out the door.
So, Dr. Kindel came in and we talked a little about my thyroid stuff and then she measured me, which I am measuring at 35 weeks, so pretty good. Then she checked me and I am dialated to a 1 and 50% effaced. She said it could be 3 days or 3 weeks, but she said it would be a good idea to get everything packed and ready for the hospital stay. She also planned my induction date for Monday, July 28th. They are calling me with the time to come in, but hopefully I don't even have to worry about it. She then told me that she was going on vacation for a week starting Saturday, so I told her that I am sure I will go into labor next week and she will miss the whole thing. Isn't that really what happens? You go through all this medical history and medical problems with YOUR doctor and then when the time comes, some stranger comes in, delivers and everything is great! We talked about contractions which I have been having lots more of. She said they are probably really bad Braxton Hicks because I can for the most part walk, breath, and talk through them. But she said that helps me dialate, so BRING THEM ON!!! Hunter prayed to Jesus last night that he would bring his little brother TONIGHT! It was pretty cute. He was praying as he was licking the beater for a chocolate cake we were making. I have been baking almost every night, because I know in a few days, I will be on my post-baby diet. I did gain 2 pounds, so my count is 11 pounds right now. Pretty good if I do say so myself. I am sure the Upside Down German Chocolate Cake will add another pound...but I'm still saying it's ALL BABY!
I have another appointment next week. Please pray for dialation/labor and that Cooper and Mommy have a healthy labor and delivery and that everyone is healthy afterwards too.
Only 19 more days!!!!
So, Dr. Kindel came in and we talked a little about my thyroid stuff and then she measured me, which I am measuring at 35 weeks, so pretty good. Then she checked me and I am dialated to a 1 and 50% effaced. She said it could be 3 days or 3 weeks, but she said it would be a good idea to get everything packed and ready for the hospital stay. She also planned my induction date for Monday, July 28th. They are calling me with the time to come in, but hopefully I don't even have to worry about it. She then told me that she was going on vacation for a week starting Saturday, so I told her that I am sure I will go into labor next week and she will miss the whole thing. Isn't that really what happens? You go through all this medical history and medical problems with YOUR doctor and then when the time comes, some stranger comes in, delivers and everything is great! We talked about contractions which I have been having lots more of. She said they are probably really bad Braxton Hicks because I can for the most part walk, breath, and talk through them. But she said that helps me dialate, so BRING THEM ON!!! Hunter prayed to Jesus last night that he would bring his little brother TONIGHT! It was pretty cute. He was praying as he was licking the beater for a chocolate cake we were making. I have been baking almost every night, because I know in a few days, I will be on my post-baby diet. I did gain 2 pounds, so my count is 11 pounds right now. Pretty good if I do say so myself. I am sure the Upside Down German Chocolate Cake will add another pound...but I'm still saying it's ALL BABY!
I have another appointment next week. Please pray for dialation/labor and that Cooper and Mommy have a healthy labor and delivery and that everyone is healthy afterwards too.
Only 19 more days!!!!
Wednesday, June 25, 2008
Cooper's Appointment June 25th, 2008
Well, our doctor appointment went fairly well...of course, we didn't get to leave with no worries, that would be impossible for this pregnancy, but nothing of great concern, at least yet. I started with the ultrasound. Everything looks great with Mr. Cooper. He is estimated to be 5 lbs. 10 oz. This is great because he is growing and sometimes Thyroid babies are growth restricted, so this is always good news!!! He is still heads down. YEAH!!! The ultrasound lady took pics of his heart and said they were pretty pictures, so I guess that means his heart is fabulous! Everything else looked normal. It is much harder to make out parts when he is this big. He did have his eyes open and was looking right at us. He also did some practice breathing for us and he was very active for this time of the day. Now...the worry part. My placenta is pretty low. She wanted to do a ultrasound where they stick the thing...well, you know she could get a good picture of it. So, they did it and she said she felt better about it. Now for my doctor appointment...I lost 1 doctor said as long as the baby is growing then that is fine. I have seriously been eating more too. So I have gained 9 lbs., which is basically all baby and placents and hopefully I"ll get back into those pre-baby clothes soon after birth. We talked about the results of the ultrasound and she said everything looked good. She said that the placenta is low, but she is comfortable with 4cm (I may be off on this). I asked her what happens if it is too low. She said basically the placenta can start to tear and bleed. She said they would keep track of it, but if it stays at 4cm then she is confident it will be okay. So, hopefully everything turns out okay. Please pray that my placents's so funny to pray for my placenta:)!!! Anyway, after that appointment I went in and got my blood work for my thyroid levels and then Hunter and I headed for McDonalds to celebrate!!!
Please continue to pray for good news and a healthy delivery. My next appointment is July 9th and then we start having weekly appointments. At my next appointment we will go ahead and schedule the induction date, but hopefully he comes a little sooner than long as he is healthy! The end is getting closer, and that means time to start freaking out!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
Here are some of the pictures from the sonogram...ENJOY!
Tuesday, June 24, 2008
The Nursery
Here are some pictures of Cooper's Room. I am very proud of my husband as he worked his bottom off to get it to look this good. If you only knew what it looked like before. He had to scrape wallpaper off for about a week, scrape the ceiling, mud, sand, figure out the trim, repair the wood around the window, and so much more!!! It is beautiful...Thank you Drew!!! I know Cooper will love his room.
This is the room when you first walk in the door.
Here is the part of the room we will be looking at the most I am sure!
This is a picture of our Dutalier Rocking/Reclining Glider. It cost a pretty penny, but we know that it will be well worth it. Drew had to have one that reclined so he could fall asleep while putting Mr. C to sleep. I am so glad he talked me into it!
This is a picture of our Dutalier Rocking/Reclining Glider. It cost a pretty penny, but we know that it will be well worth it. Drew had to have one that reclined so he could fall asleep while putting Mr. C to sleep. I am so glad he talked me into it!
Close up of the bedding and his name. I saved so much money making those letters myself. Let's just say I spent about $3.00 on them and I was about to buy them at the store for $50.00!
Saturday, June 14, 2008
32 Weeks
Thursday, June 12, 2008

Cooper has given us quite the pregnancy. He has made us reach the decision that two children is a nice round number, and three might be a crowd. I have developed thyroid problems, whether or not it's related to my pregnancy is unknown, because they discovered it while I was pregnant. I see a specialist for this and get monthly sonograms to check on his growth and development. So far he is right on schedule and looking good. So, we were dealing with this stress, when he decided he wasn't shaking things up enough, and decided to be breech with a prolapsed cord at his ultrasound about two weeks ago. Now, I didn't really understand what a prolapsed cord was, but when the doctor says, if you have any signs of contractions, you get to the hospital immediately, that's a little unnerving! So, of course he decided to shake things up a little more and didn't move the following Sunday morning for over two hours. I called the doctor and she told me to come to the hospital to get the baby on a heartrate monitor just to be sure. Well, we pull in to the hospital and he starts kicking. Get the monitor put on, and he starts having a party. We had a wonderful nurse and she said he was flirting with her and to come back anytime. So, we had a calm week, until my last appointment on Wednesday. He wasn't moving again as much as normal, although it was early for us. Hunter and I have agreed to the 8:30 waking up summer schedule. We both know this is our last few weeks of quiet in the house, so it works! Anyway, they went to find his heartbeat and they could barely get anything. It was super staticy. Hunter and I think he has a little radio in there and he was jamming. Anyway, so to make a long story shorter, they did a nonstress test by doing a short sono and everything was fine AND he moved his little bottom (head actually) into the down position and his cord looks like it's in a good place. TALK ABOUT RELIEF!!! I will go in for my next sonogram on the 25th and will give you an update and hopefully some good pics. So, we have crossed a hurdle and only have 18 more years of them ahead of us.
So Our Journey Begins
Well, after visiting many other blog sites, I decided it might be a good idea to start out own. I am going to attempt to post updates as my due date is getting closer and then pictures of our adventures of raising two children. I am pretty sure there will be a picture of Cooper covered with marker and Hunter sitting next to him with an evil grin. I can't imagine having two boys and not having many funny and some not so funny moments to capture with words and pictures. So, this is to keep our family and friends, close or far away, in touch with our lives. We hope you enjoy what is to come! I'm sure we will!!!
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